To book/hire MALIKAH for any of the following trainings, email us at!

Self Defense

With every self-defense technique we deconstruct the notion that our bodies are not our own. With every movement we begin a healing process with our bodies, one where we finally have full control over our security and space. We recognize that every woman comes into our classes with varying experiences and expressions of womanhood. We affirm the diversity of our community of women and recognize that we are all on unique journeys. For some women, self-defense may be a tool for healing and connection with our source of power and body. For others, we are motivated to be trained in self-defense because it will ultimately be a tool for self preservation. Whatever the case may be, as you train yourself and others, our Malikah space is meant to be affirming for every part of your experience.

Note: this can be broken up into multiple classes

  • Verbal De-escalation

  • Physical De-escalation

  • Bystander Intervention 


Healing Justice 

Healing justice is about recognizing the ways that violence and trauma impact our bodies and our communities, and that it takes intentional healing, unlearning and relearning to be able to navigate our institutionally oppressive world in a way that could allow us to step into our power. This space is about being inclusive, practicing collective care, purposefully embracing humanity, imagining, acting and transforming. Remember we are all on different journeys.

Note: We have a default HJ workshop that dives into identity. However, we can do circles on a variety of topics including body image, sex ed/ consent, gratitude, self love, etc.

  • Dyad Activities

  • Self Care Activities

  • SHEro Gallery

  • Trauma-Informed Discussion

  • Breathing + Visioning


Malikah defines anti-opression as: A way of naming oppression that happens against certain people, based on their identities, and then a way to work towards ending that mistreatment, oppression, violence toward that particular group. In addition to trauma informed facilitation training, Malikah's facilitators are all required to complete and periodically renew their anti-oppression training.

  • Defining Gender-Based Violence

  • Micro vs Macroagressions

  • Systems/ positionality

  • Reflections on Power & Privilege

  • Need for Organizing



Malikah defines organizing as: The process of organizing people impacted by systems of oppression to use their collective power to win changes in people’s lives and shift the balance of power. We shouldn't live in a world where we need to teach self defense, or healing justice spaces to unpack our collective trauma. In order to sustainably fight for a world without gender and hate based violence, we need to organize against harmful structures that cause oppression to begin with. We need sustainable change and wins.

  • Types of Change-Making

  • Base Building

  • Intro to Campaign Strategy

  • Identifying Goals

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Economic Justice/Financial Literacy 

Malikah recognizes that the economic systems we currently exist in are exploitative. These capitalist systems, corporations and financial institutions see many women in our communities, across the globe, only as tools of labor. We are aware of the violent histories of economic exploitation vis a vis the enslavement and colonization of Brown and Black people. Despite the fact that most of the world’s labor falls on Brown and Black women, many of us are still left unable to consistently access our basic needs. In light of these realities we agree that dismantling these systems is the primary goal of Malikah’s economic justice work.

We create this module to go with, not instead of, our organizing work. We create this module as a way for our communities to better navigate this broken system in light of a need to survive and thrive, as we continue to disrupt economic power holders as our primary goal. We know that women prop up the world’s economies. Malikah’s economic justice programs aim to give women the language, history, and tools needed for women to reach their full economic potential.

  • Budgeting

  • Calculating Income

  • Setting targets

  • Saving for yourself

Is there something you don’t see here? Email us at to request a training!