Malikah Movement Bootcamp


Muslim Women Organizing Fellowship


Application deadline: July 14th, 2023



As the foundation of our movement, Malikah Chapter Leads are made up of Muslim women who want to build safe spaces for their communities. With the use of our Malikah curriculum, the grassroots programming facilitated by Chapter Leads helps us build a world where all of our communities are safe and can step into their true power.

To apply to the Malikah Movement Bootcamp, you must be able to commit to being a Malikah Chapter Lead for a minimum of 1 year (hosting at least 4 Malikah events per year) from August 2023 - June 2024.


  • 20+ hours of train-the-trainer workshops from powerful leaders in anti-oppression, women’s rights self-defense, healing justice, trauma-informed facilitation, financial literacy, anti-racism, organizing and more

  • Become part of a powerful and life-long network of visionary women across the globe

  • Access the curriculum and 1:1 guidance you need to host the events you envision for your community

  • (Optional) Receive college credit for your Chapter Lead commitment


  1. Complete Malikah application for the Malikah Movement Bootcamp 

  2. Upon acceptance to the program, submit your payment or accept your scholarship (if applicable)

  3. Attend all sessions of the Malikah Movement Bootcamp 

  4. Receive official Chapter Lead certification to be able to offer Malikah programs

  5. Maintain consistent communication with your Organizing Coach

  6. Follow our operational guidelines and let us know when you’re facilitating a training

  7. Submit all required evaluation forms, photos, and waivers after each event

  8. Commit to facilitating a minimum of 4 Malikah events per year of your commitment 

  9. Reattend main Malikah training each year to renew commitment

Please note, internship credit is available for this program! If you would like to do this as an internship, the requirements will be slightly different. 

Additionally, we offer scholarships for those in financial need; email


Malikah models our financial costs on the model of various other movement programs, including Transforming Freedom. We want to ensure our programs are as accessible as possible to everyone who is interested in organizing for safety, power and justice for women in our communities. The true cost of this program per participant is $8,000. We are offering this on a sliding scale from $350 to $8,000 to participate and the payment decision is completely honors based. We urge you to reflect on your network, the institutions that can help subsidize and how much you’re able to contribute. Every extra dollar you can afford or fundraise for this program makes a huge difference in making sure our small grassroots organization can stay afloat and continue to offer empowering programs like this one. 

New Chapter Leads, will be offered a small stipend for the programs you host in your community. We want to honor your labor and are offering $50 per training for up to four training sessions. That means you can make up to $200 through the program.

Malikah Chapter Lead Model: Curriculum and Content

You will have access to the following train-the-trainer workshops:

    • Healing Justice

    • Self-defense

    • Organizing

    • Financial Literacy

    • Anti-Oppression

    • Trauma-informed facilitation

    • Marketing


Phase 1 - Training and relationship building (August 2023 - September 2023)

  • Apply to the Malikah Movement Bootcamp by June 30th, 2023 and receive notice of status by July 31st, 2023.

  • Attend orientation and kickoff (Date TBA; Mid/ end of August)

  • Attend and successfully become certified for Malikah training by attending four trainings sessionns (two weekends). 

  • Join the Whatsapp group and interact with fellow cohort members

  • Review curriculum and training material on the internal website, raise any questions, read supplemental material, be an engaged Chapter Lead!

Phase 2 - Building power and safety in your community (September 2023 - June 2024)

  • Develop a plan to successfully facilitate at least four trainings in the following

    • Healing justice

    • Self-defense

    • Financial literacy

    • Community organizing

  • Contact the Programs Manager to walk you through any questions or support you may need

  • Submit evaluations of programs and reflections for marketing, development and program tracking

  • Attend Malikah community town halls and healing justice offerings

  • Regularly connect with the community through WhatsApp, supporting other Chapter Lead Events

  • Report back to the program manager and stay engaged with Malikah

  • Attend two-hour bi-weekly in-person check-ins at the Malikah Center on Thursdays from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm starting, September 14th, 2023.

    • The graduation ceremony will be on June 29, 2024 from 11 am to 2 pm.

  • Please note, you will have one absence pass and two late passes. 

Phase 3 - Sustaining power and safety in our community (June 2024 +)

  • Go through the official offboarding process with our team

  • Or attend the annual anti-oppression process and renew commitment as Malikah Chapter Lead

  • Receive a Malikah Chapter Lead certificate upon completion of the year

Doing the Chapter Lead program as an internship:

  • All of the above applies to doing the chapter lead program as an intern! Here are the specific criteria for interns that differ:

    • Host at least one event in each of Malikah’s 4 pillars (self-defense, healing justice, organizing, financial literacy)

    • OR create an official Malikah club at your university and host 4 events of your choosing

    • Interns may work on additional projects such as researching community resources or helping with other events.

    • Interns will have more regular check-ins and workflow will depend on the school’s internship criteria requirements.


Application deadline: July 14th, 2023