Gender Justice and Healing Through the Arts

By Sarah Shalan

Gender-based violence has been an emerging human rights issue, affecting one in four women worldwide.

Despite this, there has been limited information that investigates the components of the healing process for women. However, therapy through the arts has been the growing method for transformative healing for individuals that have experienced gender-based violence.

How does art therapy aid in healing?

The intrinsically expressive nature, as well as the sensory aspects, of engaging in the creative process, which is facilitated through the use of art therapy, allows women from backgrounds of violence to gain positive and therapeutic benefits. Expressing emotions through visual art allows survivors of violence to cope with a multitude of mental and emotional disorders, and to aid in the overall healing process, thereby having marked and lasting positive effects on the lives of the individuals involved. Art Therapy has also been shown to increase self-awareness, help cope with stressful experiences and improve the quality of life.

How does Music Therapy aid in healing?

Humanity is deeply connected through music. Music serves the purpose of connecting humans to the root of basic human needs and truth. Sounds that register in our emotional brain can relate to happiness and fear. The subliminal link of music and emotions explains why music therapy is effective in healing women who have experienced violence.

How does poetry/spoken word therapy aid in healing?

Poetry therapy uses language, symbols, and stories in therapeutic and community-building capacities. Poetry therapy relies upon the use of poems, stories, spoken word, and imagery to facilitate personal growth, healing, and greater self-awareness. Most studies show that poetry therapy can effectively reduce traumatic symptoms. It is often paired to complement other primary therapies and is an excellent outlet for expressing certain pent-up or difficult-to-express emotions.

Recent literature studies assert that women appear to experience a revitalized healing experience by creating connections in a safe space, using visual metaphors in their art pieces, reclaiming an empowered self, and building resilience. Malikah is channeling the benefits of healing through a newly envisioned physical center we hope to open in Astoria, Queens!